In his seminal book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari states that humans consciously choose to believe in myths. But can we separate fact from fiction?

  • What if oxygen is not the elixir of life but slow poison that RUSTS our cells to death over a period? Antioxidants anybody?
  • What if our immune system isn’t so INNOCENT? We know that allergies and some cancers can be triggered by an over-active immune system. Could a strong pre-emptive strike on a hitherto harmless virus by our immune systems provoke an aggressive response from the virus?
  • What if dreams are just a different version of reality? What if Deja vu, telepathy and schizophrenia are just different frequencies on the FM radio of CONSCIOUSNESS?
  • Isn’t patriotism, communal and religious identity just fancy names humans give for pack minded TERRITORALITY exhibited by other animals?

What if we ARE the aliens we are looking for? We don’t really know how life began on this planet. Also, there was no water to begin with on Earth. All water is alien – sourced from meteor and comet strikes.

Out of Africa…really?

It amuses and anguishes me in equal measure when people try to assert that their religion, race and language emerged before all others. As aggravating as this is, it is but trivial in the context of the false narrative being peddled about the supposed evolution of homo-sapiens from apes about 1,00,000-2,00,000 years ago.

This theory has a name – ‘Out of Africa’

Supposedly a female ape ‘Lucy’ and her progeny set out from the Rift Valley (modern day Kenya and Tanzania) and proceeded to populate the earth starting with a brief land crossing into the Middle East. Along the way, they supposedly conquered competing species such as Neanderthals, Homo Erectus and Denisovans.

The theory is neat – too neat. As with all scientific theories, it needs a point of origin and a clear explanation. But facts are seldom clean or linear. So we need to ask if it is fact or fiction?

The theory cannot answer questions like how did humans who had just barely evolved from apes learn to cross the high seas? Did the other human species just submit to the invaders? Why is it that modern-day humans living in similar climates look so different – take populations from Milan and Harbin both at 45-degree latitudes or those from Tokyo and Tehran, each lying at 35-degree latitude. We need to radically re-explore our theory of origin. For starters, what if this is not a story of one species conquering the world but of multiple species co-existing and mating with one another? Harari does bring up this point.

Radical new theory – parallel evolution

Why should humans or human-like primates have emerged this late in earth’s 4.5 bn year history?  Here is an alternate theory. Going back in time, there really weren’t 7 continents, but one massive supercontinent Gondwanaland or Pangaea. Is it not possible that humans from hundreds of different species (yes new species are being discovered all the time) evolved many millions of years ago and that they parted ways as the continents drifted? Think about this: India and Africa were tied together in the supercontinent. Both the East coast of Africa and the West coast of India have lions.

It is quite likely that we had advanced civilizations billions or millions of years ago, which perished in catastrophic climate change – there have been numerous ice ages, changes in the earth’s magnetic polarities, cosmic radiation, changes in sea levels, volcano blowing up, and asteroid strikes. New civilizations took their place.

That explains why, out-of-place artifacts turn up all the time, like these perfectly machined spheres that could be 2.8 billion years old. Radiocarbon dating is applicable for artifacts going back to only up to 60,000 years and significant errors are possible even within this time period. It’s as if one is saying, my telescope can only help see this far…therefore assume that there is nothing beyond. Fact or fiction?

The Pyramid Code

Watch, ‘The Pyramid Code on Amazon. The Pyramids could have been built in 35000 BC or earlier rather than 3500-5000 BC as assumed currently. There is evidence of water has been around the pyramids, where we have the only desert now. Many such ancient pyramids have turned up in other parts of the world, notably in South America. Rather than being monuments to the dead, they are now thought to be power stations, harnessing energy from the earth’s magnetic fields. They were built on Earth’s energy corridors, called ley lines. Evidence of exposure to radioactive elements is also hard to miss.

The constant cycle of creation and destruction permeates all of nature. Religious texts across history have said the same thing. Again we can choose to call them fact or fiction.

There is no reason to believe that we humans are immune to this cycle. Also, no basis for the belief that we are the best that there ever was. We contain within us innumerable seeds of the past that will be the basis of a complex future.

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